Friday, December 30, 2011

Related contents: keeping compatibility with Plone 3

Some days before the Christmas break we found a little compatibility problem with collective.portletpage: when used on Plone 4, and a user add a related item to a Portlet Page content, the "Related content" area were doubled, shown twice.
One in the Plone 3 style (a ul/li structure inside a fieldset element) and another in the new Plone 4 style (that now is a dl/dt+dd code).

The problem? Starting with Plone 4, the related content section has been removed from content view of default content types and has been registered as a viewlet.
This change is great if speaking of design of Web pages. Now a user can move the viewlet in the content view.
Before this (in Plone 3) the related contents area was always at the bottom of the content's view template, called explicitly as a macro... that still exists in Plone 4.

Technically speaking, the new Plone 4 viewlet is registered for every content type, but still the Plone 3.3 related contents macro exists, and contains the same old code (by the way... I think that keeping it as an empty macro could be a better choice).
So: the problem I'm describing is probably quite frequent. It strikes every content type product updated to Plone 4 but were the view has not been updated recently. I meditate about this problem two minutes and I found other two products we own that right now suffer the same problems: Smart Link and RedTurtle Video. We already planned to fix them sooner.

Quick fix
If you don't need anymore to keep Plone 3 compatibility, simply remove the old call to the macro from your content's view. So: take a loot to your content types now!

Less quick (but fair) fix
What if you want to keep Plone 4 compatibility? Removing the macro call make your product no more perfectly working on Plone 3.3: explicit related contents area will be removed from the Plone version where the related item viewlet is not present.

For  Plone newcomers this can seem a waste of time, but for us isn't. Even if Plone 4 is quickly growing, we still have a lot of old Plone 3 customers that ask for new features. I personally don't like too much the "branch way" of keeping compatiblity (continue releasing an "old family" product and a "new generation" ones).

So you can find many workaround for this, but the new Plone 4 feature (a viewlet for related items) in my opinion is also a great enhancement.
For this reason I take some time to develop a very simple product: collective.relateditems.
With this you simply need to update your content view to Plone 4, then add this product to your buildout when you are in a Plone 3 environment (see the documentation to know how to make this dependency automatically fulfilled).

The product simply register a related items viewlet exactly how is done for Plone 4, but keeping Plone 3.3 CSS styles.
What this product also does is to register this viewlet only for content's that implements a new provided interface. So you are the one who choose if display related items viewlet or not (thanks to ZCA, there is a very simple way to make Python classes implementing an interface even without touching 3rd party code).

I have no real conclusion, just a suggestion: go and try your old product, adding to it at least one related item!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

5 minutes with tal:attributes

Let's take a quick read about tal:attributes, an important Template Attribute Language statement of the Zope and Plone development.
About static attributes
You already know that when using tal:attributes you can mix dynamic attributes with static ones:
<h1 class="main"
    tal:attributes="id python:'main-%s' % (25+25)">
Hello World
...that produce...
<h1 class="main" id="main-50">
Hello World
Obviously, when you use the same attributes in the static and dynamic part, the dynamic ones take precedence:
<h1 class="main"
    tal:attributes="id python:'main-%s' % (25+25)">
Hello Worldd
...that produce...
<h1 class="main" id="main-50">
Hello World
When I learned this behavior, years ago, I started as attitude to remove all static attributes that later would be overridden by dynamic ones (like in the first example). Why? Because in this way is impossible for a developer to do something stupid like don't realize that the attribute is dynamic and not static.

Today I changed my idea because when you begin to look at someone else code, you will like documentation.

Sometimes when you look at a page template made by someone else you don't need (want) to understand the meaning of every single attribute, but a general idea can be enough:
<a href="http://myhost/site/folder/document-to-be-updated"
   tal:attributes="href view/getSomething">
Update me!
In the example above, knowing that "view/getSomething" return a valid URL can be understood because the value is used for an href attribute, but what kind of URL? Is an internal URL? External ones? An URL to a specific view?
To know this we need to investigate the getSomething code, or test the application.
This can be avoided if the original template designer documented an example URL using a static href URL that document more or less the general meaning, exactly like done above.

Playing with attributes order
Let's look at this TAL code that generate XML:
<foo attb="value2"
     tal:attributes="attc string:this is C;
                     atta string:this is A;" />
... that produce...
<foo attb="value2"
     attc="this is C"
     atta="this is A" />
When mixing static and dynamic attributes, static ones are rendered first keeping the original order, then all dynamic ones again keeping the order.

In the example above I'd like to see three attributes in the right logic order, but two of them are dynamic:
<foo atta="value1"
     tal:attributes="attc string:this is C;
                     atta string:this is A;" />
... that produce...
<foo atta="this is A"
     attc="this is C" />
So with static attributes you can control also order of dynamic ones.

OK, this is not really interesting (commonly who cares of order of attributes inside generated code?) but sometimes you need to controls exactly the generated code. For example, when you wrote functional Python tests, then you check output.
Another important thing to learn is omit an attribute dynamically, based on expression. Yes, because with tal:attributes you can also want to control if an attribute must be added to a node or not.
This is very popular when you want to work with an HTML select element or checkbox:
<select tal:define="values python:[1,2,3,4]">
    <option name="foo:list" value="1"
            tal:repeat="val values"
            tal:attributes="value val;
                            selected python:val==2 and True or False" >
        <span tal:replace="val" /></option>
... that produce ...
    <option name="foo:list" value="1">
    <option name="foo:list" value="2" selected="selected">
    <option name="foo:list" value="3">
    <option name="foo:list" value="4">
As you can note, we simply return True or False, without specifying what kind of value we want for the attribute. This is the way for obtaining the standard XHTML value equals to the attribute name.

Another example is for attributes where we want to controls also the attribute value:
<div tal:define="foo python:2">
    <span tal:attributes="class python:foo==1 and 'fooClass' or None">First</span>
    <span tal:attributes="class python:foo==2 and 'fooClass' or None">Second</span>
... that produce ...
    <span class="fooClass">Second</span>
There we are also controlling the class attribute value: we need to specify its value or return None to omit the attribute.
Using static default
The last tip! I learned this one recently, looking at 3rd party code.

Sometimes you put in the static node attribute the very-common value of an attribute, for example a class:
    <li class="veryCommonClass1 veryCommonClass2"
        tal:repeat="foo python:[1,2,3]"
        tal:attributes="class python: foo==2 and 'veryCommonClass1 veryCommonClass2 selected' or 'veryCommonClass1 veryCommonClass2'"
        tal:content="foo" />
... that produce ...
    <li class="veryCommonClass1 veryCommonClass2">1</li>
    <li class="veryCommonClass1 veryCommonClass2 selected">2</li>
    <li class="veryCommonClass1 veryCommonClass2">3</li>
In the example above we used a real static HTML attribute for our nodes (and this is good, also for documentation) but it's annoying to be forced to repeat the whole default value also in the tal:attributes expression.

This can be simplified a bit, using default!
    <li class="veryCommonClass1 veryCommonClass2"
        tal:repeat="foo python:[1,2,3]"
        tal:attributes="class python: foo==2 and 'veryCommonClass1 veryCommonClass2 selected' or default"
        tal:content="foo" />
... that produce ... the same output!

Seems that the variable default can be used in the tal:attributes expression to get the static value we used.
Unluckily default is not a string but a Python object, so we can't use it also for compose the class value when we need to add also the "selected" class: trying in the expression a default + 'selected' will raise an error.

Thats all! TAL can be a language sometimes tricky! Hopefully we will use all Chameleon in the near future and things will be a little cleaner!