This article contains practical informations, but also some personal opinions, about Plone install and uninstall tools. You are warned!
Recently I worked on lot of Plone migration from Plone 3.x to versions 4.2.Is Plone migration to newer version a difficult task? Not on its own. The Plone CMS is distributed with an internal migration procedure that simply works! What can make the difference are add-ons products, that sometimes transform this one-click operation something difficult.
When you have migrate a Plone site you'll probably find some annoying issues:
- add-ons that must be removed because never used by customer
- add-ons that must be removed because newer products are giving the same features
- add-ons that must be removed because they are totally unmaintained now, and you must migrate to something else
Once Upon a Time: before Generic Setup and ZCA
When I started working with Plone making a Plone product "installable" was a Python task: add-ons contained an Extension folder with an (or, uppercase) file and an install function inside.This function did all the magic stuff (registering types, new properties, adding configuration stuff, ...).
The problem with that approach was that every Plone programmer was using a "personal style" for doing same things: obviously low-level APIs used were the same so, more or less, different product's install procedures were similar, but not exactly the same.
If you are curios, for historical reason take a look at an example: the oldest version of Poi install code.
Generic setup
Generic Setup was introduced with Plone 2.5. For the first time a (initially limited) set of common operation were translated to an XML format: for example you are now able to describe the new-type configuration using an XML file instead of writing Python.Another example: a newer (still very old) version of Poi code.
Nowadays the main problem of Generic Setup is the lack of a central documentation (however the Plone Developer Manual is going in the right direction), but looking at the Plone source you can learn a lot.
Personally, I always look at the Products.CMFPlone source when I don't know/remember something but this can't help you for learning uninstallation.
Meanwhile Plone 2.5 introduced also new Zope 3 features (everyone were talking of Five).This gave us a lot of really cool things we have today (browser views, viewlets, events, utility, ...)... and new "persistent problems" to face (portlets, persistent utilities, marker interfaces, ...).
This was an important moment for Plone features, but at the same time the always-present ZMI started losing it's superpowers. What I mean: before Plone 2.5/Plone 3 the Zope Management Interface was a very powerful tool where you was able to fix things and clean garbage; nowadays ZMI contains more or less the same features of years ago.
Please note that using ZMI had never been a good way of fixing things or configuring your Plone site: a good Plone add-ons must configure itself when you install it, and fully remove itself on uninstall.
But usage of ZMI helped armies of administrators to fix garbage left behind by non-polite add-ons, or quick fix stuff directly on production environment. Sadly this is not always possible today.
Why uninstall is important?
If you are an add-ons developer and you want to release your code to the community you must live with the possibility that your product will not fit the user's need and he will uninstall it. You must be sure that it will be a simple operation that don't leave problems behind.If you don't care about this, you will became quickly the Bad Guy/Company and no-one will ever use your work in future. And you will also lose all your friends. And wife. And Cat.
Another fact: a lot of people still "try" products on production sites.
This is happening more frequently of what you can imagine; maybe they started adding stuff to a test or staging site but later this became a production site just because it's now filled by a lot of production data.
We can't simply say "Hey! You didn't read how to evaluate a Plone product guide"! This is a puerile excuse.
Tools for make products uninstall cleanly are around us: just use them.
Today: Generic Setup age
Before starts talking about product's removal let's ask ourself "how installation works nowadays"?The portal_quickinstaller (the Plone tool that manage installations) is now Generic Setup compatible: this mean we don't need the magical file anymore.
How? Let me say that there's a well know standard for creating installation Generic Setup profiles: a profile named "default". Probably 99% of add-ons today use this common patter (you can unluckily find some exception, but I think is really uncommon).
So you can think that portal_quickinstaller is looking for a profile named "default", but this is false. The algorithm is more... "simple": it looks for the first profile found (alphabetically sorted) and use this an "installation profile".
When relying on this automatic choice, this will trigger a log warning message:
INFO CMFQuickInstallerTool Multiple extension profiles found for product Used profile:
This lead to some considerations:
- you need to be sure that the first profile found is really the installation profile (so if you want to keep "default" as its name, and I suggest you to do so, you must handle carefully other profiles names).
- you can't install two profiles from the portal_quickinstaller tool
What is not possible today is load from Plone UI additional setup profiles. This is OK for most products (commonly you simply need an installation profile) but there's some add-ons that bring additional configuration profiles, and for using them they explicitly document the need of still going to ZMI, in the portal_setup tool... not really user friendly.
Trick for having multiple installation profiles for the same product
Ok... I want to be honest.There's a dirty way for having multiple profiles registered by the same product. We discovered this "feature" recently but I'm not sure if this is something good to teach, so use it at your own risk!
It seems that the portal_quickinstaller tool is loading the first-found profile defined in a Python module, not in a whole product.
The trick: define another Generic Setup profile in a different Python module.
Commonly profiles are defined in the Plone project root, directly inside the configure.zcml file or inside a profiles.zcml file. Let say this file is inside the module.
So you can include another Python module submodule:
... <genericsetup:registerProfile name="default" title="" directory="profiles/default" description="Installs the package" provides="Products.GenericSetup.interfaces.EXTENSION" /> <include package=".foo" /> ...Then inside the submodule you can register the new profile (with another configure.zcml file).
<configure xmlns="" xmlns:genericsetup="" i18n_domain=""> <genericsetup:registerProfile name="foo" title=" foo" directory="profiles/foo" description="Foo profile" provides="Products.GenericSetup.interfaces.EXTENSION" /> </configure>In this way you'll see another "product" in your portal_quickinstaller tool.
When you start facing uninstallation, things are more confused.Plone automatically supports uninstallation of products (this was true also in the pre-Generic-Setup era) performing automatically a lot of stuff we will see later.
But often, for performing a really good cleanup, you'll need an uninstallation profile.
The Plone standard for this is translated to distribute with your products a profile named "uninstall".
You can expect that portal_quickinstaller tool is looking for some specific profile name (or choosing it with some other fancy algorithm). No!
For being able to perform an explicit uninstallation you must still rely onto the old-friend file.
So: a good Plone add-on today must still be distributed with an Extension folder, with an file.
Inside this file we can skip the "install" function (tip: you can still use it for installing some Generic Setup profile that isn't the first found, or checking the Plone version and keep old Plone compatibility alternative profile) but you must provide the "uninstall" function.
This is how an file can looks like:
def uninstall(portal): setup_tool = portal.portal_setup setup_tool.runAllImportStepsFromProfile('')
A lost old friend: "reinstall" button
What you can do from the Plone "Add ons" control panel are mainly the same operations you can do from the ZMI, explicitly accessing the portal_quickinstaller tool. But with some differences.From Plone UI you can simply install (activate) an add-on and uninstall (deactivate) it, but you can also easily perform a product upgrade to newer version when this is needed.
Products upgrade are a great tools and, when properly used, they helps your users to update your configurations to a newer version.
However sometimes they can be "fragile":
- when you upgrade from a very old version of the product.
- when the product's developer didn't work well and he's not providing you an upgrade step.
The ZMI view of portal_quickinstaller is different. It only knows about product install and uninstall, totally ignoring the product's upgrade (for this, if you really want to use ZMI, you need to rely on portal_setup tool).
But when a product in installed, you can find another option that the Plone UI is not providing: the "reinstall" button.
Well... if you don't plan something different it's only a shortcut for uninstall+install in sequence, but it can be more.
The install and uninstall functions inside the file can catch "reinstall" action if you change the code like below:
def uninstall(portal, reinstall=False): if not reinstall: ... setup_tool = portal.portal_setup setup_tool.runAllImportStepsFromProfile('')"Uninstall done")So: you can perform different things if the user pressed the "Reinstall" button (commonly: you can perform the uninstallation profile only if don't want to reinstall).
Why this is important? And why IMHO the reinstall button can be something good also in Plone control panel?
When an uninstallation is well done (that's the scope of this article), it's destructive as you really want that everything related to your product is removed from the site: you must be 100% sure that the user can safely remove your code from his buildout without giving him problems.
However sometimes:
- users are upgrading from a very old version of your product, and the internal migration procedure is not working
- users want to install again your product, means that they want to fully restore original configuration. User's actions, or other products, can mess up you product configuration.
Let's conclude: sometimes I still like to provide a "reinstall" support.
Handle uninstallation with Generic Setup
Keeping in mind that, the main argument here is products uninstall, let me describe all good things (steps) you can do with Generic Setup and how you must handle those steps when you need to uninstall the product.For this task, I will describe every know Generic Setup import step and what you need to do (if you need to do something) for uninstall.
All the code below is also accessible in an example product on Plone uninstall.
The metadata.xml file keeps care of registering the current profile version of the product (from Plone 3.3 and above this is not the product version) but it's doing more: it can run Generic Setup profile dependencies (that are not necessarily egg dependencies).Roughly speaking: it install products that are dependencies of the add-on you are installing.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <metadata> <version>1000</version> <dependencies> <dependency>profile-collective.something:default</dependency> </dependencies> </metadata>
This is a double-edged weapon and you can't simply put there all your dependencies: it's better to look at the format of the dependency add-ons.
Why? Sometimes Generic Setup steps are destructive (yes, not only the uninstall profile can damage your configuration): they can reset a piece of configuration, ignoring if the configuration was already present in the site and customized by users.
- If you develop an add-on that is compatible with Plone 3 and Plone 4 and you rely on, you must know that this package is not already present on Plone 3: you must add it to your egg dependencies list.
But adding it also to the Generic Setup dependencies list is not a good idea because running this step will reset the image configuration of the portal (both on Plone 3 and Plone 4). - TinyMCE. if you are developing a TinyMCE & Plone-compatible add-on you can't trigger the TinyMCE Generic Setup configuration on install because this will reset the TinyMCE status of a fresh Plone site.
Two good examples follows.
-, that you can manually install on Plone 3 (with some version pinning work, but still you can do it). Reinstalling it's Generic Setup profile multiple times will do nothing that can be damage your configuration.
- A famous Plone add-ons: PloneFormGen.
This add-on can be enhanced by other Plone add-ons that could add new fields or adapter. This features enhancement is commonly done through adding new types, registered as FormFolder possible subtypes. This is not done relying only onto the types.xml Generic Setup step (see below), but also through Python scripting.
In this way you can safely add PloneFormGen to your dependencies list, and reinstall it multiple times without loosing anything special.
This is a good example of an add-on that want to keep things simple for integrators.
What is missing?
I already discussed this a couple of times in the Plone-Users mailing list but I didn't find other plonistas that share my idea.Let see what I don't like of this approach: IMHO the dependency check of Generic Setup is lacking of a way to know if the add-ons is already installed (formally speaking: if the Generic Setup configuration has been already executed).
Sometimes (let me say "very often") what you really want is: install a dependency Generic Setup profile only if the product is not installed.
For doing this today: you must rely on Python.
You don't need to do nothing special to revert changed done by metadata.xml.After all I said above you can ask yourself "isn't a good attitude to uninstall add-on's dependencies when I remove it?".
Commonly, no. You can't be sure that the one of the dependencies wouldn't be a dependencies of another products.
The actions.xml Generic Setup step is reserved to the configuration of the portal_actions tool you can explore or modify through ZMI. It's a container of CMF Action Categories and CMF Action items, that are used by Plone to draw a lot of interface elements, like links an buttons.Multiple installations
Repeating the installation of the profile will restore all the actions, as defined in the XML file.Uninstallation
You must do nothing about actions.xml when you uninstall: Plone will automatically remove all your defined actions.At first glance this seems a good thing ("wow, I don't need any uninstall step for actions!"), but to be honest it isn't: an explicitly requirements of an uninstall actions.xml on uninstall would be a safer solution.
Right now, if you want too keep an action you defined through Generic Setup when you remove a product, you need to manually re-add it after uninstall.
Managing portal_actions through ZMI is very simple, so I don't find any need of such kind of automatism. Also, most of times, orphan portal_actions elements are safe and simple to be removed.
Personal experience: sometimes customers ask to be able to manually handle portal tabs, as portal tabs are seen by the custom as something content related, not theme related.
If you started adding portal tabs using Generic Setup, the you teach to the customer how to manually change portal tabs using ZMI and later you'll provide to the customer a product version, you need to be sure that theme upgrade will not destroy customer's work.
For this reason, for some kinds of actions categories (like portal tabs), I prefer to not define additional actions using actions.xml but I define them manually using ZMI (or some other add-ons).
For this strange behavior I never liked and for take care of this kind of requests, we developed the collective.portaltabs add-on.
This is the step able to register new catalog index and metadata:<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_catalog" meta_type="Plone Catalog Tool"> ... <index name="getFoo" meta_type="FieldIndex"> <indexed_attr value="getFoo"/> </index> ... <column value="getFoo"/> ... </object>Until you use it at install time, it works perfectly.
Problems arise when you re-install a product or if you have already an index registered with the same name in your Plone site: in that case use of index will clean your index values.
For this reason I commonly prefer to register only metadata (column), and use Python to register indexes:
catalog = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_catalog') indexes = catalog.indexes() # Specify the indexes you want, with ('index_name', 'index_type') wanted = (('getFoo', 'FieldIndex'), ('works', 'KeywordIndex'), ... ) indexables = [] for name, meta_type in wanted: if name not in indexes: catalog.addIndex(name, meta_type) indexables.append(name)"Added %s for field %s.", meta_type, name) # lines below if you want also reindex items when executing it if len(indexables) > 0:"Indexing new indexes %s.", ', '.join(indexables)) catalog.manage_reindexIndex(ids=indexables)
Multiple installations
Repeating the Generic Setup configuration will register again the index configuration. A side effect of this is the index cleanup. This will force you to perform a reindex.Instead, metadata columns are kept without loosing any data.
When you uninstall a product, no changes are done to the Plone catalog: you must handle the indexes and columns uninstallation yourself:<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_catalog" meta_type="Plone Catalog Tool"> <index name="Creator" meta_type="FieldIndex" remove="True"> <indexed_attr value="Creator"/> </index> <column value="Creator" remove="True"/> </object>Indexes and metadata left behind will not give you any trouble, however cleaning the catalog from useless elements will quick-up the indexing operations.
This is the place where sometimes Plone can gives big headache.Component registry is a powerful tool that you can use to register local utilities, adapters and subscribers. This section will continue talking of utilities (that are most common components used there)
After the ZCA utility registration, you can register the utility in the component registry of your site on product install, using Generic Setup and the componentregistry.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <componentregistry> <utilities> <utility interface="" factory="" /> </utilities> </componentregistry>Syntax above can change if the utility is a named utility and this is often used with a Plone tool registration adding the object attribute (see toolset.xml below for Plone tool info).
What can happen if you don't provide an uninstallation profile?Things may differ: sometimes you'll get immediately an ugly ZMI error as soon as you remove the package from the buildout:
TypeError: ('object.__new__(FooUtility) is not safe, use Persistence.Persistent.__new__()', <function _dt_reconstructor at 0x110df1a28>, (<class ''>, <type 'object'>, None))Other times the problem stay under the hood for weeks, months... I started this article talking of Plone site migrations to new a version: this is exactly the perfect moment where such kind of problem arises and you find that a very old utility, of a product you badly removed ages ago, now gives you problems.
Can we do something from ZMI? Do you remember when I said that ZCA is a recent technology?
Well... You have a ZMI tab ("Components") on every Plone site, where you can see registered stuff.
The UI seems editable, but I never had luck using this: on my past tests it never really cleanup things and now (Plone 4.2.4) I get a traceback error.
So: use it for seeing what you have registered, but nothing more.
So: how to uninstall?
First of all a good uninstall step:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <componentregistry> <utilities> <utility interface="" factory="" remove="True" /> </utilities> </componentregistry>After running this, the "Components" tab view above seems cleaned but still, if you remove the egg from your buildout you get same problems.
This is orrible. Nowadays there's no way of really cleaning components using Generic Setup or ZMI.
So: you need to switch to Python!
There's a great article about how to manually removing local persistent utilities. This document is also a good starting point for removing other persistent stuff like adapters and subscribers.
The core of the approach is usage of getSiteManager() method:
>>> sm = app.Plone.getSiteManager() >>> sm.utilities <zope.component.persistentregistry.PersistentAdapterRegistry object at 0x1096b9c80> >>> sm.adapters <zope.component.persistentregistry.PersistentAdapterRegistry object at 0x1096bd1b8> >>> sm.subscribers <bound method PersistentComponents.subscribers of <PersistentComponents /Plone>>Now, let's see how to remove our dummy utility registered above:
def _removePersistentUtility(portal): sm = portal.getSiteManager() sm.unregisterUtility(provided=IFooUtility) util = sm.getUtility(IFooUtility) del util sm.utilities.unsubscribe((), IFooUtility) del sm.utilities.__dict__['_provided'][IFooUtility]"Removed utility") def uninstall(portal, reinstall=False): if not reinstall: setup_tool = portal.portal_setup setup_tool.runAllImportStepsFromProfile('') _removePersistentUtility(portal)"Uninstall done")But how can you clean this if you are facing this kind of issue with a product that you haven't developed yourself (the Evil Prone Developer)?
There's a Plone add-ons that is often used in such kind of situation: it is wildcard.fixpersistentutilities. It's performing tasks above giving you a good Zope user interface, making simple finding broken persistent garbage.
Use it you you really need it, but please... don't pretend that your users will use it for uninstalling your product: provide an uninstall procedure yourself!
This is the step where you can register new Plone control panel link to your product's configuration section.<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_controlpanel" xmlns:i18n="" i18n:domain=""> <configlet title="Example configuration" action_id="Example" appId="" category="Products" condition_expr="" icon_expr="string:$portal_url/maintenance_icon.png" url_expr="string:${portal_url}/@@example-configuration" visible="True" i18n:attributes="title"> <permission>Manage portal</permission> </configlet> </object>
The story of control panel uninstallation is full of products that leave broken link behind. The broken link is not something that can brake your site, but it's really annoying to see them around.Uninstall is simple:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_controlpanel" xmlns:i18n="" i18n:domain=""> <configlet title="Example configuration" action_id="Example" appId="" remove="True"> <permission>Manage portal</permission> </configlet> </object>Recently (not sure from which Plone version) the control panel can be cleaned also from ZMI, using directly the portal_controlpanel tool.
The tool that takes care of managing all Plone CSS, merging and minimizing them: portal_css.Every products that want to register a CSS in the tool must provide one or more snippet like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_css"> <stylesheet title="" id="++resource++example.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" rendering="import" cacheable="True" compression="safe" cookable="True" enabled="1" expression=""/> <!-- more follow --> </object>From now, the portal_css tool will try to load the example.css recourse.
What's happen if the resource is not found, because you removed the product but you didn't clean the tool?The portal_css tool is configurable manually, and it's take care of warning the user about missing resources, so you can clean manually.
Automatic cleaning on uninstall is simple:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_css"> <stylesheet id="++resource++example.css" remove="True" /> </object>
factorytool.xml and types.xml
I'll talk about those two kind of Generic Setup steps because they are used at the same time and they have same behaviours. They manage Plone content types.The factorytool.xml file is configuring the ZMI portal_factory tool and is used only for Archetypes based content types.
The types.xml file (and the types directory and XML sub-elements) are used for registering and managing the content type itself (for both Archetypes and Dexterity based content types) through the portal_types tool.
I don't find useful to provide here some XML snippet because all this stuff is commonly generated automatically for you using paster (or ZopeSkel, or plone.templter, or mr.bob... whatever tool you are using).
Multiple installations
Repeating a type installation will totally restore the starting configuration, cleaning all the administrator manual changes.Sometimes additional products would try to touch only some part of a type configuration. For example: you need to add a new available view to the Folder type (views are controlled by the view_methods property).
You can use three ways:
- The Bad Ones. You will register the Folder type from scratch, providing the modified view_methods.
Not good: you will clear all configuration changes done by the site administrator. - The Still Bad Ones. You can provide an empty type definition with just the modified view_methods.
Not too bad, but you will clean all configuration done by others to the list of views. - The Good Ones. Provide only the view_methods (like above) with the single new entry, and adding the 'purge="False"' attribute.
This will only add your new view.
You don't need to do anything! Sometimes I found Plone add-ons that provide an uninstall XML for those two steps, but they are ignored.Those two tools are of the type that automatically handle uninstallation: without doing anything it remove configuration when uninstalling.
Unlike the same magical behavior we saw for the portal_action tool, this time I like this kind of automation (and I've never had problems with it).
What you must note is that you removed a type definition. What happens to existing content of the type that lives in the site?
Well... as soon as you'll remove the type code from the buildout, the will be broken.
So: can be a good idea to automatically crawl the site and remove all content of this type?
I think no... and I don't know any product that is doing this. If your product user uninstalled the product by mistake you can waste a lot of work (well... you can hope that undo support will work)!
This import step manage the portal_javascript tool, for Plone JavaScript resources.There's nothing I can say about this tool that I didn't reported about the cssregistry.xml import step, so I'll be quick.
The installation process is similar to the ones about style sheets:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_javascripts" meta_type="JavaScripts Registry"> <javascript cacheable="True" compression="safe" cookable="True" enabled="True" id="++resource++example.js" inline="False"/> <!-- more follow --> </object>
The ZMI tool can be used for manually removing old registrations:<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_javascripts" meta_type="JavaScripts Registry"> <javascript id="++resource++example.js" remove="True"/> </object>
It's not so common, but sometimes additional products need to add new Plone users data in the portal_memberdata tool. This tool can also be accessed and modified manually through ZMI.Recent Plone versions switched to module, so the importance of this tool is decreased.
Registering new properties is simple:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_memberdata"> <property name="foo" type="string"></property> <!-- other can follow --> </object>
There's no Generic Setup support, so you need to use Python.... def _removeUserProperty(portal): portal.portal_memberdata.manage_delProperties(['foo'])"User property removed") def uninstall(portal, reinstall=False): if not reinstall: ... _removeUserProperty(portal) ...
This Generic Setup import step is used to configure the portal_atct (ATContentTypes) tool, related to some features of the current Plone content types family.It can be splitted in two kind of configurations.
The first section in related to collections criteria definitions but only for old Plone collection (that are disabled starting from Plone 4.2, which now rely onto
The other section configure some general property like image_types, folder_types, album_batch_size, album_image_scale and single_image_scale. To be honest I'm not sure if they are still used nowadays.
So, let's focus on collections only.
The strange thing about this tool is that you can't manage collections configuration using ZMI but only from Plone UI, so you can manually configure (changing properties, or disable) collection criteria or columns (used for the "collection view") calling the "/portal_atct/atct_manageTopicIndex" view.
To add new criteria or columns you need a simple Generic Setup XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <atcttool xmlns:i18n=""> <topic_indexes> <index name="getFoo" description="A really dumb field" enabled="True" friendlyName="Foo"> <criteria>ATSimpleStringCriterion</criteria> <criteria>ATListCriterion</criteria> </index> <!-- more can follow --> </topic_indexes> <topic_metadata> <metadata name="getFoo" description="A really dumb field" enabled="True" friendlyName="Foo" /> <!-- more can follow --> </topic_metadata> </atcttool>
Old style collection criteria are based on catalog indexes. If the catalog index used by the criteria disappear, the "/criterion_edit_form" view will be broken.Sadly, as sayd above, you can't cleanup things and delete the criteria from the configuration form. Wow! Now all your old-style collections are broken!
What you can do is to disable the criteria; in this way collections would work again, but for a real cleanup, you must provide an uninstall step:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <atcttool xmlns:i18n=""> <topic_indexes> <index name="getFoo" remove="True"> </index> <!-- more can follow --> </topic_indexes> <topic_metadata> <metadata name="getFoo" remove="True"/> <!-- more can follow --> </topic_metadata> </atcttool>
There's a lot of things we can say about portlets in Plone but I already dealt with this argument in another article: "Plone portlets are not enemies... just rude friends". However the time of this old article something's changed.Using the portlets.xml file you can register new portlet manager and portlet.
Registering new portlet manager is not common, while registering new portlet is a natural part of Plone add-ons world.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <portlets xmlns:i18n=""> <portlet\ addview="" title="Example portlet" description="An example portlet" /> </portlets>Apart the portlet registration (so: seeing the new portlet available in the "add new portlet menu") there's also the persistent object you will create on the database (the portlet assignment).
This is, in fact, the most tricky part.
Last note: again, portlets are a recent Plone addition so you can't do absolutely anything from the ZMI for using/fixing/cleaning them.
As already told in the other article, uninstalling the product that register the new portlet is enough for preventing Plone to raise errors and making new portlet to disappear from the add menu, but the real problem are the persistent instance created, that must be deleted before.Good news: there are recent changes about it: ticket #7375 has been closed, so sooner will be possible deleting broken portlets from Plone (EDIT: seem already possible in Plone 4.2.5). There are also other experimental products.
While writing this article, I'm also looking at all importexport modules of Generic Setup world. Looking at portlet code you can see that an uninstall procedure is available (see the exportimport/ source).
A docstring says:
Remove a portlet definition using the 'remove' attribute so that it can no longer be added via @@manage-portlets. This does not remove any assignments:To be honest, I never used a this remove attribute and I didn't get any errors in years, so probably this can be used to removed/unregister existing portlets you don't want to show to your users (not bad if you plan to substitute an existing portlet with a new ones).
<portlet remove="True" addview="portlets.Calendar"/>
Looking at the same code, there's also a purge feature. The docstring of the corresponding method says:
Unregister all portlet managers and portlet types, and remove portlets assigned to the site rootGreat! This will introduce the last problem of uninstalling products with portlets: although is now possible to delete broken portlets, I think that a good uninstall must take care of cleaning portlets assignments left behind in the site.
The purge feature above seems a good starting point, however is not enough; removing portlets in the site root can be only the edge of the iceberg: portlets in Plone can be added everywhere, on every content and there's not simple way to know where.
The only thing you can for cleaning all contents is to traverse all your site tree and check every content... this is not something you can do when uninstalling: it can take hours and slow down your site.
What is missing? The problem is that Plone is not memoizing where you added new portlets (probably a marker interface would be enough), so you can't quickly identify those contents.
The Plone portal_properties tool is a well-know, robust component of the Plone world. It's a composition of "Plone Property Sheet" objects, that store a set of configuration (of primitive types, like strings, integers float, boolean, lists, ...).What I always liked of properties sheets is that you easily managing them from ZMI, and cleaning garbage is simple. Also, APIs for using them are really simple.
Registering new properties or a while new property sheets is really simple:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_properties"> <object name="navtree_properties" meta_type="Plone Property Sheet"> <property name="metaTypesNotToList" type="lines" purge="False"> <element value="ExampleType"/> </property> </object> <object name="example_properties"> <property name="title">totally useless properties</property> <property name="foo" type="boolean">True</property> <property name="bar" type="string">xxx</property> </object> </object>You can use this tool for changing default Plone configuration (note the use of purge option above, for not cleaning the whole metaTypesNotToList property) and registering your new property sheet.
Property sheets are doing nothing by their own: your product must use them fro something.
Multiple installations
Multiple installation of a propertiestool.xml profile will restore every time the configuration. If the site administrator had manually changed something in the configuration, or a 3rd part product did it, you are probably deleting those configurations.For this reason I commonly prefer using Generic Setup for adding new property sheets, but still using Python for adding properties.
In this way you can check if the property already exist, and skip it:
_PROPERTIES = [ dict(name='foo', type_='boolean', value=True), dict(name='bar', type_='string', value='xxx'), ] def registerProperties(context): ptool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties') props = ptool.example_properties for prop in _PROPERTIES: if not props.hasProperty(prop['name']): props.manage_addProperty(prop['name'], prop['value'], prop['type_'])"Added missing %s property" % prop['name']) else:"Property %s already present. Skipping" % prop['name']) def setupVarious(context): if context.readDataFile('example.gs_various.txt') is None: return portal = context.getSite() ... registerProperties(portal)The problem example used at the beginning of this article is, in facts, related to property sheets registration.
There's no Generic Setup support for cleaning portal_properties tool, you must provide your Python code. However property sheets left behind are really simple to clean using ZMI (and they don't create any issues if you don't remove them).Real question is: what to clean?
If you added a totally new Plone Property Sheet, answer is simple: let's remove it.
def _removeProperties(portal): portal.portal_properties.manage_delObjects(['example_properties'])"Property sheet removed") def uninstall(portal, reinstall=False): if not reinstall: setup_tool = portal.portal_setup setup_tool.runAllImportStepsFromProfile('') ... _removeProperties(portal)"Uninstall done")If you changes some other Plone default properties you must be careful and be sure of what you are doing.
The rolemap.xml file can be used to customize new permissions defined by your product, or change some default site permissions.Uninstallation
There's no Generic Setup uninstall support for this, and in both cases introduced above, this is probably good.If you are removing a product that add a new custom permission, the new defined permission will not be used anymore (and probably the real question will be "how to delete a Plone custom permission?").
In the case you have customized a 3rd party permission, you could provide a rolemap.xml file that will try to restore the old permission configuration.
An example: you create a policy product that gave the "Review portal content" permission also to Editor role. On uninstall you can provide a new permission map that restore the starting Plone configuration.
However this is not a 100% secure choice and the reason is always the same: can you be sure that no 3dr party Plone products or administrator manual changes touched this permission? You can't.
Unluckily the rolemap.xml file doesn't provide a 'purge="False"' feature (for editing only the permission for a single role).
Again: evaluate what to do.
Probably 50% of garbage you can see in a Plone site after removing a product came from this import step!The portal_skins tool is the home for old style CMF technology and old-style Plone themes but is still used today for a lot of Plone feature and add-on products.
From this tool you can define new plone skins and modify layers set of existing skins.
To register a new layer and new skin (common style for Plone theme add-ons):
<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_skins"> <object name="example-gs" meta_type="Filesystem Directory View" directory=""/> <skin-path name="example-theme" based-on="Sunburst Theme"> <layer name="example-gs" insert-after="custom"/> </skin-path> </object>For register only a new layer for all existing skins (common style for classic add-ons that need CMF skins resources):
<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_skins"> <object name="example-gs" meta_type="Filesystem Directory View" directory=""/> <skin-path name="*"> <layer name="example-gs" insert-after="custom"/> </skin-path> </object>Both registration are splitted in two section: the first one is registering a filesystem directory as a possible additional layer, but this will not be used without the second section.
Items inside portal_skin tool are easy to manage and clean through ZMI and broken stuff left behind by lazy products will not give you any problem.However layers and skins removal is simple.
First of all: you only need to care about unregister the skin-path. My tests reported that the filesystem directory registration is automatically removed when you uninstall the product.
For totally remove a theme:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_skins"> <skin-path name="example-theme" based-on="Sunburst Theme" remove="True"> <layer name="example-gs" insert-after="custom"/> </skin-path> </object>For remove only a layer (from all skins where it has been registered):
<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_skins"> <skin-path name="*"> <layer name="example-gs" remove="True" /> </skin-path> </object>
Portal tools are singleton, persistent items stored in the site root, visible from ZMI and (commonly) invisible from Plone interface. For a long time, portal tools has been the only place where Plone developers were able to store data and code together.When ZCA and persistent utility were integrated this kind of items has been partially deprecated. Today there's still a lot of Plone tools, but commonly they are also register as persistent component.
Tools are very simple items, and the Generic Setup support is limited only to the tool registration:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <tool-setup> <required tool_id="portal_foo" class=""/> </tool-setup>
There's not Generic Setup supporto for deleting tools. If you remove the product from your buildout you'll see a broken object in the site root (because the code is no more available), but it's really simple to delete it using ZMI.To automatically delete it, you can use Python, but one time again take care on users that are reinstalling your product: if you delete the tool you will lose all configuration stored inside.
Obviously, if the tool is also registered in the component registry, you need to take care of it (see the componentregistry.xml section above).
def _removeTool(portal): portal.manage_delObjects(['portal_foo'])"Portal tool removed") def uninstall(portal, reinstall=False): if not reinstall: setup_tool = portal.portal_setup ... _removeTool(portal)"Uninstall done")
Not much to say about that, just because it is mainly used by Plone themes, to:- Move viewlets around (this is only for theme... for sure)
- Hide existings viewlet (this can be done because you are providing a new viewlet that replace a default ones)
I'm not an expert of this import step, but now you can find a good viewlet Generic Setup documentation in the code itself.
An uninstallation Generic Setup step for viewlet could be really similar to an installation one: you only move viewlets and probably un-hide hidden ones (that mean "remove the hidden state"...).What you must do when somebody uninstall your theme? You must restore viewlet in the original order? And what is the original order? How can you know it?
Probably you can't do much (apart showing viewlets you hidden).
Workflow is a complex argument, and also the Generic Setup syntax can be complex.It can be splitted in two section:
- Defining workflow (state, transitions, ...)
- Defining bindings of workflows to Plone types
Workflow are stored and manageable through the portal_workflow ZMI tool, so is quite easy to perform manual cleanup.How embarrassing! I'm obviously focused on understand how to remove created workflow but this time I'm not able to find where Plone is managing Generic Setup for this (I'm missing the type bindings part).
So I can't be sure if you can remove workflow items using Generic Setup or not., but I suspect that there isn't any Generic Setup support for uninstallation.
What is important to know is if you need to uninstall (and what).
Is a good idea to remove a workflow that your product installed? Can you be sure that another products, or the site manager is not using it anymore for other types?
This is not so impossible: while defining new workflow is done using Generic Setup or ZMI, the workflow associations to types can be done (and is really recommended) using the Plone control panel ("Types configuration").
Be aware of that.
Historically some old version of paster and probably old documentation generated a lot of Plone add-ons where additional operations to be done with Generic Setup import where stored inside code executed using import_steps.xml:The use of this Generic Setup step can be used to register a new possible step inside the portal_setup tool.
The new way of getting this kind of features is to use ZCML, and genericsetup:importStep:
<genericsetup:importStep name="" title=" miscellaneous import steps" description="Various import steps that are not handled by GS import/export handlers." handler=""> <depends name="propertiestool"/> </genericsetup:importStep>
When the registered code disappear, the import step will be broken.This kind of errors (that only trigger some log warning messages) can be easily removed from the "Manage" tab of the portal_setup tool where you'll find a "Steps with invalid step handlers" section.
Like always, you can use Python to automatically fix things:
... def _removeImportStep(portal): to_remove = ('',) registry = portal.portal_setup.getImportStepRegistry() for step in to_remove: if step in registry._registered: registry.unregisterStep(step)"Removing import_step %s" % step) def uninstall(portal, reinstall=False): if not reinstall: setup_tool = portal.portal_setup setup_tool.runAllImportStepsFromProfile('') ... _removeImportStep(portal)"Uninstall done")
Plone 4 included a new component: the Plone registry. The idea behind this is really good: simply speaking this new component can replace the old portal_properties tool (see above) with something that is:- more powerful
- data model can be defined using interfaces
- usable from Plone UI (there's not ZMI support for it)
Somethings things goes worse: let's talk of new style collections.
If you are providing new collection criteria in one of you product add-on, you are also registering items in the registry using the prefix, that is not present on Plone 4.1 and below: so you are breaking Plone 4.1 compatibility.
Don't want to repeat myself: I wrote another article about Plone registry on RedTurtle Blog.
Again: don't want to repeat myself: in a second article about Plone registry I introduced how to uninstall properly and manage registry changes in the data model.About new collection criteria: things are not perfect. Removing registered criteria from the registry partially works only on Plone 4.3...
Probably is possible to do something using Python, but right now I've no idea.
Browser layer is a really powerful Plone toy: it make possible to register views (or customize existings views) only when your product is installed.Here how to do this with Generic Setup:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <layers> <layer name="" interface="" /> </layers>
For a long time I didn't provided an uninstall step for browser layers, and you'll find a lot of products that are ignoring this. When you remove a product that registered a browser layer from your buildout, sometimes you don't get any problem.I started getting a lot of problem with this on Plone version migration.
The truth: you must give an uninstall step for this, and Generic Setup is supporting it:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <layers> <layer name="" interface="" remove="True" /> </layers>
Other less used Generic Setup steps
There are other Generic Setup import steps like diff_tool.xml, contentyperegistry.xml, kss_registry.xml (KSS has been removed from Plone core starting with Plone 4.3), ... it's quite uncommon to use them so I don't spent time here to provide examples, and they commonly don't provide uninstall procedure.Also not that 3rd part product could provide additional Generic Setup support for other components: an example is ATVocabularyManager.
A single rule: for every thing you install with your product, provide an uninstall counterpart:- Your users will love it
- You'll love it when you will need to remove or change your product in future, for example while migrating to new Plone versions.