Thursday, May 8, 2014

Loading JavaScript configuration and i18n for Plone add-ons

collective.jsconfiguration is a Plone package that want to give a possible approach to the way of including JavaScript configuration or 18n data inside add-ons.
Although it's heavily targeted to add-ons that contains JavaScript components it will not provide any JavaScript at all, but only three possible ways to get configuration from the server.


In last years I saw a lot of different approach to the problem, looking at the source of many different add-ons; every approach could have some advantage or side effects. I've only one golder rule: the worst you can do is to generate your JavaScript dynamically from the server:
class JavaScriptView(BrowserView):

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        registry = queryUtility(IRegistry)
        settings = registry.forInterface(IMyPackage)

        # ...omissis...

        self.request.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript')
        return """function something() {
   var settings_1 = %(settings_1)s;
   var settings_2 = %(settings_2)s;

   // do something

""" % {"settings_1": settings.settings_1,
       "settings_2": settings.settings_2}
This approach "works", but writing something in a programming language through the usage of another is bad and ugly:
  • A developer that's look to your JavaScript code can be astonished when he get that the code in inside a Python source.
  • The more JavaScript code became complex, the more will became unreadable/unmaintainable.
  • You can't use your favorite IDE JavaScript features because he can't understand you are (partially) write a JavaScript source
  • ... (another 10 "because is bad" can be probably found) ...
 So it's clear that the JavaScript must be in a pure .js file.

A (little) step forward can be to split the code above in a "configuration part" and keep the real code (that will read configuration) in another .js file.
This is better, but still you have some JavaScript code (even if simpler) in a Python/.zpt file... and you have 2 JavaScript instead of ones.


Yeah, AJAX is a right answer to the problem: you write a pure JavaScript code that ask to the server, that's normally reply with a JSON, all configuration needed. You have one .js source file and nothing more.

Well... to be honest you have an additional call to the server for getting the configuration, but how this can be a bad thing? It will probably be a very small piece of data, isn't it? So very very fast...
Not exactly.
The Web is full of articles about mobile/front-end development and how to keep high performance. If you want to read something interesting about this argument take a look to the recent "Is jQuery Too Big For Mobile?".
The real enemy is not how big is your data (hey, I'm not talking of a 10Mb HTML file!) but the latency: the network (even the mobile ones) it's quite fast nowadays but the latency is always pretty high (even more on mobile). We must reduce at the minimum the loading of external resources, especially if they are resources that can't be loaded asynchronously.

Going back to our dummy example above: it's clear that the configuration is a required resource for running the something JavaScript function. We can't start using it without having server side configuration (maybe we can do a little better with some advanced approach... I find this way to call a JavaSript library before it's loaded really interesting).

It will be the same also for i18n: we can't draw a user interface before we have the internationalized strings available.
I've some experience with jarn.jsi18n, and I used it in at least a couple of "pure JavaScript" Plone projects (projects where you don't have a template where add data in other ways I'll introduce later).
In one of them I found that the user interface were loaded in english at first access; after the first attempt translated messages were used normally.
This happened because strings were loaded through an AJAX call to the server but if you use the string "too early" (before AJAX response) they were still in primer language. Luckily after the first usage the library cache translations in the browser local storage, a very smart approach indeed.
The library gives no "onload" callback, so I was planning to provide a pull request for this but... you really like the idea? Delay the execution because we need the i18n strings?!

So AJAX is bad for i18n/configuration load?

No! If you are developing a pure JavaScript application and you don't know what backend technology will be used (if any) AJAX in probably the only choice.

But I'm focused on Plone add-ons here; we know what kind of backend we have: why not load configuration directly from the Plone pages, where your JavaScript will be executed?

Load configuration and i18n from templates

When you are facing the i18n problem with JavaScript and you have a template available (so you are developing an add-on with a view, or a viewlet) you can put translation in HTML 5 Data attributes.
This way you don't need any AJAX call and (even better) you can rely on i18ndude (I tried to use i18ndude also with jarn.jsi18n but it's not fully compatible, there's no support for the "default" value of a translation msgid) and zope.i18n machinery. Cool!

The same will be for general configuration stuff: you can put you server side data inside templates, again in HTML data 5 attributes. This is not a new technique, Plone 5 added some some information inside data attributes (and for what I saw also some small encoded JSON data).

But while using template and data attributes is amazing for translation, I don't like too much using this approach for other data like server side configuration: you will probably find yourself convert a lot of strings in other data types or, if the configuration is large, flood the page of HTML 5 data attributes.

Still use JSON

What is the best way to give data to a JavaScript developer? In my opinion the simplest and most direct way is still JavaScript itself, so providing a JavaScript object.
For example: Plone 4 (and also Plone 5) gives to JavaScript developers the portal_url variable that always gives you the URL of the site. Yes, this is ugly because this variable pollute the global namespace, if another piece of code define a global portal_url var one of them will be overwritten, ... I'm also sure that will change in future, probably it will became a new data attribute, but it's still the quicker way to read that information from JavaScript.

There is an old and well know convention on how not spawn global vars all around the global namespace: put them in a data structure: instead of calling "portal_url" a "plone.portal_url" could be a lot better.
However a lot of purists neither like this approach; in facts you are still polluting the global namespace and the possibility that another JavaScript code don't define a "plone" var is near to zero... but not zero (however I still like this, and I kept it in collective.jsconfiguration).

What's left is still a JSON data source, but we don't want to use AJAX. Uhmm...

The last chance: a lot of super-power JavaScript framework started to use client side templates.
The technique is really simple: define a new script tag of a type that the browser will not know and so it will not try to execute, and put inside it what you want.

You can use this script to store demi-HTML code, or other type of data... as a plain JSON


This is the way used by collective.jsconfiguration: it simply register a new viewlet (in the page head) and wait for you registration of additional configuration (from 3rd party products).

Add-ons can register three different types of them:
  • type=text/collective.jsconfiguration.json
    It will store a JSON data inside the script tag. The source will be available to be executed by JSON.parse.
  • text/collective.jsconfiguration.xml
    It will store any kind of data, but it's designed to be used with demi-HTML, as a view/page template output. As the HTML is inside a script tag you are not really forced to use an XHTML or HTML 5 data attributes but you can simply provide an XML.
  • text/javascript
    This is exactly like the JSON case, but it's for guys that like the idea to provide their data in a pure JavaScript plain object.
It is especially useful if you are developing an add-on with JavaScript but without any server side rendering element (no template, no view, no viewlet, ...) because the JavaScript will find the configuration and translation you defined in the HTML head of your page: you only need to configure what to put inside. integration

When talking of configuration and user preferences you will probably store your ones inside the Plone registry. Using collective.jsconfiguration and collective.regjsonify you can store inside your JSON or plain JavaScript object the same data stored in your add-on registry sheet.

Example application

For better understanding how collective.jsconfiguration (and collective.regjsonify) works, you can check the example application.

OT: goodbye Plone (for a while)

This was the really-last product in my list of "Plone add-ons that I think could be cool or useful" so I decided to stop spending time on Plone development for a while.
To keep myself busy I will probably start learning some new technology, or I will try to finish my Plone Workflow book...
Who knows?

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